Are you seriously considering creating your own electronic book so you can earn money online but simply don't know where to start? Well, these 4 priceless secrets can tremendously help you jumpstart your ebook writing career:
1. Perform a keyword analysis. Using a reliable keyword suggestion tool, identify the keywords or keyphrases that are frequently searched for by your target market. List them down and do another research to know which ones are very competitive. If you are just starting out, it is advisable to stay on the safe side and target a niche that is not usually being targeted by professional and established ebook writers. This is to help you ensure your sales potential.
2. Do your research and create an outline. Visit forums that are frequented by your potential clients to know what specific information they would like to see on your ebook. List all the information down and arrange them in a logical manner. Then, check reputable websites where you can obtain more information about your chosen topic or interview other experts on you chosen niche who can give you other angles of your story or topic.
3. Make it personal. When writing your ebook, you need not to sound very stiff or very formal. Remember, you are not writing a traditional text book as such, it is okay to let your personality shine through. Write using conversational tone, share personal stories that your readers will be able to relate to, and show empathy when needed. These are important elements in building rapport with your clients.
4. Make your ebook easy to understand. Don't leave your readers puzzled or wondering what your whole creation is all about. Strive to make them understand your work by making it easier for them to grasp the points you are trying to get across. You can easily do this by using simple terms, incorporating images when you are discussing complicated concepts, and giving more examples or scenarios.